8122 NED AVE
Baton Rouge, LA 70820
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1 bed, 1 bath, 600 sqft
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This cozy STUDIO apartment offers comfortable living at a great value. This apartment has tile floors, fresh paint, a walk-in closet, and an on site laundry facility. Located in Gardere with convenient access to the heart of Baton Rouge including, but not limited to, IDEA public school, LSU Innovation Park, CATS bus system, the Mall of Louisiana, LSU campus, and L'auberge Hotel Casino. Must see to appreciate. * Se Habla Espanol - Martin (225) 508-9330*
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This cozy STUDIO apartment offers comfortable living at a great value. This apartment has tile floors, fresh paint, a walk-in closet, and an on site laundry facility. Located in Gardere with convenient access to the heart of Baton Rouge including, but not limited to, IDEA public school, LSU Innovation Park, CATS bus system, the Mall of Louisiana, LSU campus, and L'auberge Hotel Casino. Must see to appreciate. * Se Habla Espanol - Martin *
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