Boston, MA 02118
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2 beds, 2 baths,
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Price History#
Price dropped by $220
A decrease of -5.37% since listing
29 days on market
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Price history comprises prices posted on ApartmentAdvisor for this unit. It may exclude certain fees and/or charges.
About South End#
Waves of historical change have left colorful marks on Boston’s beautiful South End, an area packed with culture — from indie boutiques to jazz clubs, ethnic eateries to lush green spaces, and fine galleries to hole-in-the-wall pubs. Today, the South End is a diverse, upscale neighborhood with a long chain of influences accenting everything from restaurants to shops and all kinds of arts. Learn more about South End.
Arrests Score#
Many arrests
ApartmentAdvisor's Arrests Score™ compares this property to others in the area with respect to arrest reports.
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