733 SPG ST
Memphis, TN 38112
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1 bed, 1 bath, 700 sqft
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Price dropped by $70
A decrease of -8.24% since listing
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Make 2.25x rent and have a 580 credit score? We can likely get your application approved! MOST applicants qualified for our security deposit alternative with NO cash deposit required! There is a permanently installed and monitored alarm at this home. Interiors: Completely remodeled, move-in ready 700 sqft Midtown duplex featuring two units. Everything is brand new, including kitchen appliances and bathroom fixtures. New windows provide ample natural lighting throughout. New Systems: HVAC system powered by a NEST thermostat, permanently installed and monitored alarm system for added security, and RING Doorbell PRO to see when friends or packages arrive. Exterior: Located in Midtown with easy access to local shopping and dining. Fully fenced backyard, perfect for pets. Quiet pets welcome!