4409 Kemper Avenue #2
4409 KEMPER AVE, Lubbock, TX 79416
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Unit # 2
2 beds, 1 bath,
Available January 1
Price History#
Price dropped by $50
A decrease of -5.56% since listing
34 days on market
Available as soon as Jan 1
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Price history comprises prices posted on ApartmentAdvisor for this unit. It may exclude certain fees and/or charges.
4409 Kemper Avenue #2 is a 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 816 sq. ft. home with off-street parking. This property comes with w/d connections, a fenced backyard, and is located in the LISD school district. This home is available for a 12-month lease. Vacant properties are held no more than 15 days with a deposit. Animals are considered with a $300 pet deposit per pet. No aggressive breeds. One small pet considered. NO SIGHT-UNSEEN LEASING Schools: Centennial Elementary, Mackenzie Middle School, Coronado High School
Listing provided by AppFolio