4266 Hillcrest Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90008
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Property Id: 509671 MONTH TO MONTH LEASE for "ONE" large beautiful private basement bedroom & bathroom for rent+deposit +1/6 of utilities in gorgeous mansion in hills. Very classy upscale black tie mansion with: Wi-Fi, full gym, waterfall pool, large backyard, view, free parking, washer dryer. FACETIME & IN PERSON TOURS 7 days week THIS IS A SHARED 6 PERSON 3 STORY MANSION IN THE HILLS WITH 6 SECLUDED PRIVATE BEDROOMS & 6 PRIVATE BATHROOMS SIMILAR TO A RITZ CARLTON HOTEL: 6 total people will be living in home that are professionals and work a lot. You have the privacy of an apartment due to well spaced out bedrooms with separate key door locks, yet the luxury of a spacious classy mansion with large beautiful common areas: backyard, living room, family room kitchen included. Luxurious, quiet, peaceful home that you will love. LARGE KITCHEN HAS 6 SEPARATE REFRIGERATORS, CABINETS, SHELVES, & DRAWERS DESIGNATED FOR EACH OF THE 6 people. Centrally located in nice west LA neighborhood near most places
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