Ivy Urban Living
4211 Cabell Dr., Dallas, TX 75204
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Price History#
Price dropped by $45
A decrease of -3.89% since listing
28 days on market
Available as soon as Feb 1
Low Since Listing
High Since Listing
Price history comprises prices posted on ApartmentAdvisor for this unit. It may exclude certain fees and/or charges.
About Cityplace#
Cityplace overlaps with other neighborhoods, including Uptown and Old East Dallas, both of which often claim swaths of Cityplace territory as their own. The neighborhood itself centers around the 42-story Tower at Cityplace, the tallest high-rise outside Downtown Dallas. Clusters of apartment communities are nestled between tree-lined streets and the passing McKinney Avenue Trolleys in the western sector of Cityplace, with dozens of restaurants, bars, services, retailers, and attractions filling the spaces between. Learn more about Cityplace.
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