Colorado Springs, CO 80904
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2 beds, 1 bath, 926 sqft
Available January 1
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13 days on market
Available as soon as Jan 1
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Looking for a character-filled rental? This 1920s home offers the top half with 926 sqft. It's got historic charm with modern updates like hardwood floors and a new kitchen, two spacious bedrooms and a full bath on the main level with utilities included. Features on-street parking. Located in a quiet area near Old Colorado City's amenities and near Garden of the Gods. House is occupied and will be Available 7 Jan ish THE PROSPECTIVE TENANT HAS THE RIGHT TO PROVIDE TO THE LANDLORD A PORTABLE TENANT SCREENING REPORT, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 38-12-902 (2.5), COLORADO REVISED STATUTES; AND IF THE PROSPECTIVE TENANT PROVIDES THE LANDLORD WITH A PORTABLE TENANT SCREENING REPORT, THE LANDLORD IS PROHIBITED FROM: CHARGING THE PROSPECTIVE TENANT A RENTAL APPLICATION FEE, OR CHARGING THE PROSPECTIVE TENANT A FEE FOR THE LANDLORD TO ACCESS OR USE THE PORTABLE TENANT SCREENING REPORT. Our Office Policy is to accept a portable Screening Report only if it is dated 30 days or less from the date of application. The report is provided directly from the agency that ran the report, and the agency does not charge us to get the report. The report must contain Name Contact information Verification of employment and income Last known address Rental and credit history Criminal history for all federal, state, and local convictions Amenities: