3 Sudan St.
Boston, MA 02125

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Similarly priced listings from nearby neighborhoods#
Unit 1
3 beds, 1 bath,
Available September 1
This is an excellent, affordable unit located on Sudan St right off of Dorchester Ave, very convenient location! MBTA systems are close, and area is filled with shops, bars, and restaurants. Bedrooms are spacious and each come with good closet space. Whole apartment gets good natural lighting. The kitchen is an eat in kitchen, with direct access to the private back deck space. Kitchen also comes with stainless steel appliances, ample counter space, and plenty of room for a dining table. Book a tour before its too late! Coin op laundry located in basement, 3 washers and 3 dryers!
Unit 3
3 beds, 1 bath,
Available September 1
This is an excellent, affordable unit located on Sudan St right off of Dorchester Ave, very convienent location! MBTA systems are close, and area is filled with shops, bars, and resturants. Bedrooms are spaciouis and each come with good closet space. Whole apartment gets good natural lighting. The kitchen is an eat in kitchen, with direct access to the private back deck space. Kitchen also comes with stainless steel appliances, ample counter space, and plenty of room for a dining table. Book a tour before its too late! Coin op laundry located in basement, 3 washers and 3 dryers!
Price History#
Price unchanged
The price hasn't changed since the time of listing
39 days on market
Available as soon as Sep 1
Price history comprises prices posted on ApartmentAdvisor for this unit. It may exclude certain fees and/or charges.
This is an excellent, affordable unit located on Sudan St right off of Dorchester Ave, very convienent location! MBTA systems are close, and area is filled with shops, bars, and resturants. Bedrooms are spaciouis and each come with good closet space. Whole apartment gets good natural lighting. The kitchen is an eat in kitchen, with direct access to the private back deck space. Kitchen also comes with stainless steel appliances, ample counter space, and plenty of room for a dining table. Book a tour before its too late! Coin op laundry located in basement, 3 washers and 3 dryers!
Data provided by MLS Property Information Network (MLS PIN)
Alp Kantar
Boston Brokerage Group
About Dorchester#
You might say Dorchester is a city within a city. The sprawling neighborhood is strung together with many micro-neighborhoods. Places like Upham’s Corner, Fields Corner, and Lower Mills change as quickly as you can walk from one street to the next. With roughly 130,000 residents in just over six square miles, Dorchester is Boston’s largest neighborhood. Learn more about Dorchester.
Arrests Score#
A moderate amount of arrests
ApartmentAdvisor's Arrests Score™ compares this property to others in the area with respect to arrest reports.
The property listing data and information, or the Images, set forth herein were provided to MLS Property Information Network, Inc. from third party sources, including sellers, lessors, landlords and public records, and were compiled by MLS Property Information Network, Inc. The property listing data and information, and the Images, are for the personal, non commercial use of consumers having a good faith interest in purchasing, leasing or renting listed properties of the type displayed to them and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties which such consumers may have a good faith interest in purchasing, leasing or renting. MLS Property Information Network, Inc. and its subscribers disclaim any and all representations and warranties as to the accuracy of the property listing data and information, or as to the accuracy of any of the Images, set forth herein.
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