Chelsea, MA 02125

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Sun drenched one bed and one bath apartment on the first floor steps away from Broadway in Chelsea! This condo offers functionality with elegant modern design. Enjoy open concept living with sleek kitchen area featuring a large white quartz peninsula island which functions for dining, food prep, and hosting. Opposite the island are the stainless steel kitchen appliances. The kitchen area is merged with the living room to create a seamless at home experience. Main bedroom features a generous space for up to a king size bed alongside a walk in closet. The full bathroom is an elegant space with a glass shower enclosure and an appealing white vanity. This condo is completed by a convenient in unit washer and dryer concealed by a closet in the living area. Pets negotiable

Data provided by MLS Property Information Network (MLS PIN)

JonCarlo DeFeudis

Rise Realty


Air conditioning
Garbage disposal
Washer/dryer hookup
In unit washer/dryer

Arrests Score#

Many arrests

ApartmentAdvisor's Arrests Score™ compares this property to others in the area with respect to arrest reports.

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