Richmond, VA 23223
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3 beds, 1.5 baths,
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You are going to love this charming bungalow! Convenient to everything, and absolutely adorable as well. With 3 spacious bedrooms and one and a half baths with tons of light. The fully fenced yard surrounds a full front porch, perfect for relaxing, do not miss out! Appliances at the property include washer, dryer, electric range, refrigerator, electric stove top, microwave and dishwasher. Showings will be available starting Oct 30, 2024. The preferred lease start date is Nov 1, 2024 and the preferred lease duration is 1 year. This property is unfurnished. The renter is responsible for all utilities and lawn maintenance. No smoking allowed. No pets permitted. Visit this link for more information about Nomad's screening criteria: Security Deposit amount determined by the owner. What your Resident Benefits Package (RBP) includes for $45/month? - $250,000 in Personal Liability Protection - $20,000 in Personal Belongings Protection - Credit Booster for On-time Payments - 24/7 Live Agent Support & Lifestyle Concierge - Accidental Damage & Lockout Reimbursement Credits - And So Much More Property is syndicated by Nomad as a courtesy to owner. Owner will conduct all correspondence and showings. BEWARE OF SCAMS - Nomad will never ask you to pay any amount prior to applying and all payments are processed through our secure online tenant portal direct to Nomad
Listing provided by AppFolio