144 W Allens Ln A3
Philadelphia, PA 19119
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1 bed, 800 sqft
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115 days on market
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Schedule your tour today to view our available apartments! Requirements: Income: should be at least 3Xâs the monthly rent. e.g. if the rent is $1,000.00 your income should be at least $3,000.00 per month (gross not net). Application fee: $50.00 per applicant Credit score: should be in good standing (over 590) If not, please check in with me for other alternatives. Evictions: No evictions within the last 10 years. Move in requirements: Security Deposit (equal to one months rent)  will need to be paid once approved. First and last month required at the time of your lease start date.Â
About Mount Airy#
The name says it all: Mount Airy, located on a natural ridge high above the gorge of the Wissahickon Valley, is a breezy escape from the busy center of Philadelphia. With its wooded landscape and views over the valley, it was originally a getaway for wealthy city dwellers. The neighborhood’s streets are lined with tall trees, its residential blocks dotted with parks and plazas, and the area slopes gently downhill to Wissahickon Valley Park, amidst a deep gorge. Learn more about Mount Airy.
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