Branch Lofts
1400 MICHIGAN AVE, Detroit, MI 48216
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Unit 1437B
1 bed, 1 bath, 500 sqft
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Looking for a unique space in Corktown to call home? You’ve found Branch Lofts. Branch Lofts is a small collection of apartments with beautiful, historic character. Situated on the northwest corner of Michigan Avenue and 8th Street Sitting atop great retail and dining of Ottava Via, Detroit Dye House, George Gregory, Ruggero Clothing, Joyola Mei Salon and Munoz Realty. Located across the street from The Godfrey. Branch Lofts consists of five buildings constructed in the early 1900s. The brick and stone exteriors give these buildings a stately presence along Michigan Avenue. The interiors of the apartments feature original exposed brick walls and lovely hardwood floors. The craftsmanship and character of these structures won’t be found in the newly-constructed properties in the area
Listing provided by AppFolio