Mont Rouge
1334 34 ST S, Birmingham, AL 35205
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Unit B
2 beds, 1 bath, 789 sqft
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Price raised by $235
An increase of +26.26% since listing
194 days on market
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Price history comprises prices posted on ApartmentAdvisor for this unit. It may exclude certain fees and/or charges.
Situated in the heart of Highland Park on Red Mountain, Mont Rouge offers incredible views of Jones Valley and Birmingham. Each apartment here is a little different, so we suggest prospects tour the units in person. Book a tour directly through our website! Requirements: 640+ Credit Score, Income of 3x Rent Price No Previous Evictions or Felonies Cosigners Must Have 640+ Credit Score and an Income of 3.5x Rent Price Initial Costs: $75 per Application Fee Refundable Security Deposit: $600.00 Administrative Fee: $350.00 $300 Pet deposit + $15/mo Pet Rent Monthly Costs: $15-25 Trash Fee $12 Building Fee $5 Pest Control Fee
Listing provided by AppFolio