1039 BRG ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
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3 beds, 1 bath, 1,150 sqft
Available May 15
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51 days on market
Available as soon as May 15
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AVAILABLE MAY 2025! This is one portion of a beautiful duplex home. This property was taken down to nothing but the studs and totally renovated. Everything is modern within the home. From the stainless steel appliances, hard surface counter tops, cabinets, ceramic tile floors in the kitchen to the refinished hardwood floors, drywall, electric work, plumbing and heating through the rest of the home. This property is located close to GVSU's Pew campus and the Laker Line- not far from Bridge St either! Call for your personal tour today! Check out the rest of our available properties at Dryer Lawn Range Stove Washer