
Seattle, WA Rent Trends

Rank #16, last updated January 27

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What is the average rent in Seattle?

The average rent of a studio apartment in Seattle, WA is $1,350. The average rent of a 1-bedroom in Seattle, WA is $1,795. The average rent of a 2-bedroom in Seattle, WA is $2,350. The average rent of a 3-bedroom in Seattle, WA is $3,500.



1 bed


2 beds


3+ beds


Note: We calculate "average" rent as the median, or midpoint, to eliminate any skew from extremely high-priced or low-priced units.

Rent Prices Over Time in Seattle

Apartment Rent Ranges in Seattle

The monthly rent for apartments in Seattle, WA ranges from $700 to $3,100+.

$700 - $1,300

$1,300 - $1,900

$1,900 - $2,500

$2,500 - $3,100


What is the average apartment size in Seattle?

The average size of a Seattle, WA apartment is 669 square feet, while the median apartment size for Seattle, WA is 625 square feet. However, square footage varies based on unit type. Most rentals in Seattle, WA (45.05%) are 1 bedroom apartments, while the fewest (6.68%) are 3+ bedroom apartments. Meanwhile, studio apartments account for 27.54%, and 2 bedroom apartments make up 20.74%.


One bedroom

Two bedrooms

Three+ bedrooms

What is the average rent for various neighborhoods in Seattle?

Studio1 bed2 beds3+ beds
Central Business District$1,956$2,254$3,932*
Fairmount Park$1,158$1,570$2,285*
First Hill$1,410$1,945**
Green Lake*$1,495$2,205*
International District$1,295$2,148**
Lawton Park*$1,736$2,320*
Maple Leaf$1,687$2,138$2,988*
North Beacon Hill*$1,580$2,123*
North College Park*$1,648$2,190*
North Queen Anne*$1,625$2,175*
Olympic Hills*$1,496$1,650*
Pike Market$2,250$2,495**
University District$1,275$1,429$1,995$2,400
West Woodland$1,119$1,574$2,750*
Yesler Terrace$1,125$2,225$2,495*

Note: We calculate "average" rent as the median, or midpoint, to eliminate any skew from extremely high-priced or low-priced units.

* Insufficient data to calculate value

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