To calculate the apartment rental trends in each city or neighborhood, ApartmentAdvisor evaluates thousands of available apartment listings in a given market and updates this information daily.
What is the average rent in Charleston?
The average rent of a studio apartment in Charleston, WV is $1,000. The average rent of a 1-bedroom in Charleston, WV is $1,320. The average rent of a 2-bedroom in Charleston, WV is $1,600. The average rent of a 3-bedroom in Charleston, WV is $1,850.
Note: We calculate "average" rent as the median, or midpoint, to eliminate any skew from extremely high-priced or low-priced units.
What is the average apartment size in Charleston?
However, square footage varies based on unit type. Most rentals in Charleston, WV (42.86%) are 2 bedroom apartments, while the fewest (14.29%) are studio apartments. Meanwhile, 3+ bedroom apartments account for 28.57%, and 1 bedroom apartments make up 14.29%.
One bedroom
Two bedrooms
Three+ bedrooms
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