3404 RED RIV
Austin, TX 78705
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6 beds, 3 baths,
Available July 31
Price History#
Price dropped by $1,000
A decrease of -15.38% since listing
85 days on market
Available as soon as Jul 31
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High Since Listing
Price history comprises prices posted on ApartmentAdvisor for this unit. It may exclude certain fees and/or charges.
Unit will be renovated with new countertops in kitchen and bathroom, 2" faux wood blinds, stainless steel appliances in kitchen, updated lighting fixtures throughout. Spacious 6bed/3bath house in north campus. Two bedrooms downstairs and four upstairs. Kitchen has two refrigerators, dishwasher, microwave, and washer/dryer. Large unfenced front yard area in front. Plenty of parking. Available for July 2025 prelease. - Tenants pay all utilities - Security deposit due after application approval - First full months rent due after lease signing Pet Fees: $200 pet deposit + $200 pet fee/per pet
Listing provided by AppFolio
About Central Austin, TX#
Apartments in Central Austin range from older buildings with fewer units and low-cost student apartments near the UT campus to high-rises with balcony views of the city and sprawling apartment communities bursting with amenities. Nestled in between are a variety of homes, mainly century-old Victorian bungalows and mansions, mid-century modern homes, and contemporary buildings that work together to create a tapestry of unique styles. Learn more about Central Austin, TX.
Arrests Score#
Many arrests
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